they're feasting on the berries of the huge mountain ash scratching against a bright pewter sky, in the front yard at Miramichi House.
this morning, we woke to find everything covered with a fresh, thick layer of immaculate snow.
i'm imagining how lovely it will be to build a fire in the big brick fireplace
this evening when a friend comes to play violin duets with me
i had hoped to do some yard work this weekend, but it's october, and there's snow on the ground. it's early for snow, even in northern alberta, and this snowfall may melt away before it finally comes to stay awhile, but this time of year, temperatures near the freezing mark feel very cold, and i'm not inclined to be stoic. even the enclosed front porch feels too cold to enjoy today.
in several months, the same temperatures will feel mild, and it will be a treat to sit in the sunny porch with a cup of tea and the dog curled at my feet, but today it's a comfort to be inside, quiet and still, enjoying the gracious beauty of my future home for a few quiet minutes before i transform into a white tornado and clean the place for my renters.
next year at this time, i'll have spent the summer developing a garden plot here, cleaning out the overgrown flower borders, pruning and finalizing the final plans for landscape improvements. i'll have made jams and jellies, canned and frozen food grown right here, and perhaps painted the exterior of the house. i'll have found a permanent spot in the house for my loom, bundled, stored and idle now for a couple of years. perhaps i'll begin then to make plans for improvements, preparatory to operating the house as a Bed and Breakfast.
but for now, at least for a few more minutes
i will rest