a gaggle of cute little girls with hardhats, paintbrushes and hammers charmed the crowds. (and there WERE crowds) the sweetie here is my grand daughter
our ReStore float in the Canada Day parade. Shoestring budget. The lady on the left is chair of the board of directors.
Small town parades are usually lots more fun than city ones. I'm very glad this is all working out well even though I know it hasn't been completely smooth.
su - hug. yes, the parade was big fun. i especially loved the mix of cultures along the way. people from all over the world wishing each other a happy Canada Day. thanks for the chin up. it's been a long day, and your kind words cheer me.
Keeping up enthusiasm for more people than just yourself can be very hard. I know I have a hard enough time with my own but you have a very big job on your plate.. one that is very worthwhile and you'll be long remembered for having taken it on. One of these days you'll be showing other eager souls around your facility with the pictures of the early days on the walls and they'll be amazed. Then you'll tell them how they can do it too.
su - thanks for the encouragement, though i'm not so sure about the 'remembered' part. after teaching violin in the former place for 20+ years, being involved in the Fine Arts Board, volunteering at the school, etc, etc, there wasn't so much as a farewell tea. not that i require big recognition.... but it would be nice to know that someone has noticed that i'm not doing those things anymore. now if i'd been putting all that effort into local hockey and sports...... sigh. sometimes i just feel invisible.
You never know who's going to remember you or when. I was working as a bank teller years after I'd been a volunteer reader at my son's school when a young woman came to my window and said, 'You won't remember me but I've always been so glad to read us 'Animal Farm' in the third grade. :-)
Great float! I love the EH? on the hood. Very Stephen Leacocky (if that can be an adjective)...
su - i've come to realize that i have one of those faces that just disappears in a crowd. i should have been a spy (maybe a future career choice?) i really do seem to be invisible a lot of the time.
gary - i'm a big Stephen Leacocky fan, eh!.... or maybe Charlie Farquarson/Don Herron ...the float was big fun. 'specially the kids.
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